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Invisalign® is often referred to as invisible braces without wires. These comfortable, clear, removable aligners are made of crafted acrylic. The treatment duration is typically much shorter than with traditional metal braces, which can sometimes take years to complete. Usually, the Invisalign® treatment lasts 12 months or less, depending on the patient.

WHAT IS the process?

When you first start wearing an Invisalign® aligner, you’ll notice that it doesn’t fit quite right. That’s because it hasn’t been shaped to fit your current teeth alignment but rather the alignment your teeth should have at the end of the two-week period. Each aligner’s shape represents a future arrangement of your teeth. While each aligner produces only a small amount of tooth movement, wearing a series of aligners (usually 10, 20, or even 30 or more) can result in substantial total tooth movement.

Reasons for Invisalign®:

  • Don’t like the look of metal braces
  • Crooked / twisted teeth
  • Don’t like the appearance of your smile
  • Crowding / overbite / overjet
  • Spacing / gaps in between your teeth


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